Guénolé is a PhD student co-supervised with Simon Leglaive and Renaud Séguier (CentraleSupélec) on motion modeling with deep probabilistic models.
Jean-Eudes is a PhD student co-supervised by Mostafa Sadeghi. Jean-Eudes investigates the use of diffusion probabilistic models in unsupervised audio-visual…
Jordan is a PhD student co-advised with Pierre-Brice Wieber. Jordan investigates reinforcement and imitation learning for social robot navigation.
I am honored to be awarded the IEEE TMM Outstanding Associate Editor Award 2022. IEEE TMM is an excellent journal,…
Samir is a PhD Student with Simon Leglaive and Renaud Séguier (CentraleSupélec) on audio-visual speech modeling with dynamical variational autoencoders.
As of July 1st 20201, I am the Lead of the RobotLearn Team at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes. RobotLearn’s main ambition…