Wei Wang will defend his PhD in May 2018, with very nice contributions in computer vision, in particular in the…
Guillaume is a PhD student in the perception team that is interested in unsupervised person re-identification and on multiple-person tracking.…
Yutong is a PhD Candidate at the Perception Team under the supervision of Radu Horaud and mysefl. Yutong has worked…
[2015] Masters I co-supervised Alessio‘s Masters Thesis with a very nice article on multiple speaker tracking that will appear soon…
[2015-2018] H2020 The ACANTO project aims to increase the number of older adults who engage in a regular and sustained…
[2013-2016] FP7 Cross-medial cross-language knowledge extraction. Partners: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Jožef Stefan Institute, University of Trento, ZATTOO corp., VICO…