Short Bio
Xavier Alameda-Pineda is a (tenured) Research Scientist at Inria and the Leader of the RobotLearn Team. He obtained the M.Sc. (equivalent) in Mathematics in 2008, in Telecommunications in 2009 from BarcelonaTech, and in Computer Science in 2010 from Univ. Grenoble-Alpes (UGA). He then worked towards his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science, and obtained it in 2013, from UGA. After a two-year post-doc period at the Multimodal Human Understanding Group, at the University of Trento, he was appointed to his current position. Xavier is an active member of SIGMM, a senior member of IEEE, and a member of ELLIS. He is the Coordinator of the H2020 Project SPRING: Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare and is co-leading the “Audio-visual machine perception and interaction for companion robots” chair of the Multidisciplinary Institute of Artificial Intelligence. Xavier’s research interests are at the crossroads of machine learning, computer vision, and audio processing for scene and behavior analysis and human-robot interaction.
Short CV — Full CV — GoogleScholar
— I was appointed as member at large of the Steering Committee of ACM Multimedia.
— I was Program co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2022 in Lisbon.
— I was appointed Associate Editor of IEEE TMM and of CVIU and ACM TIST.
— I succsesfully defended my HDR. [post]
— I was elevated to IEEE Senior Member [post].
— IEEE TMM Outstanding Associate Editor Award 2022.
— ACM-TOMM (Nicolas D. Georganas) 2020 Best Paper Award.
— I received the ACM SIGMM Rising Star Award in 2018 for my contributions to multimodal social behavior understanding.
— Novel Technology Paper Award Finalist at IROS’17 [post].
— Best Scientific Paper Award at IAPR ICPR’16 [post].
— Best paper award ACM MM’15.
— Best student paper award at IEEE WASPAA’15.
— Outstanding paper award at IEEE/ACM ICMI’11.